
Sunday, March 19, 2017

Curriuclum Orientations

There are 4 main curriculum orientations. This chart gives examples of what each one might look like in a high school English Classroom

Education’s Purpose
*Students should be able to know and recite core set of facts
*Ideas are more important that actions
*Teachers are the source of knowledge
*Step-by-step instructions for knowledge
*must meet measurable objectives.
*Prepare students for the work place.
*Children are the source of their own truth
* Whatever you can experience with your senses can be trusted as truth

* Bible is the source of all truth
*apply knowledge to your life
*we are to be imitators of Christ

Essential Questions
* What are the elements of Romantic literature?
* What were some of the historical causes for the romantic movement?
* How do I find the theme of a poem?

*What in the poem guides the reader to discover the theme
*How does nature inspire you?

*What can you learn from nature?
*How does Romanticism differ from a Christian worldview

*Because God created nature, how should I respond to him?
Before reading the selected poems, the teacher will explain the terms of simile, metaphor and synesthesia, as well as explain the historical events leading up to the Romantic period. Teacher will lecture from the textbook highlighting important facts. The student will take notes during the teacher lecture.
After the lecture, students will answer comprehension questions from the text.
The teacher will read a selected poem out loud as the class follows along. The teacher will then model the process of finding the theme by asking the following questions.
--What is the main idea? Give Proof.
--What is the author’s tone? Give proof?
--What message does the poem have for the reader? Proof?
Combine them all together an get the theme.
The class will work  together through the next poem using the same process. The student will complete the same process for 4 more poems.
The students will read selected poems by William Wordsworth. After reading students will work in groups to discover the meaning of the poems. They will write their answer in their journal. The class will spend 15 minutes sitting quietly outside. Students will write their thoughts about how nature makes them feel in their journal.
The students will work in pairs to complete a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting a Biblical world view to the tenants of Romanticism. After students, have filled out their Venn Diagram we will have a discussion about the differences and similarities.  The teacher will emphasize that God created nature for us to enjoy, but we need to worship the creator more than the creation. The students will watch a presentation of pictures set to “I Sing the Mighty Power of God”
Drill and Practice worksheets over terms and vocabulary

Multiple Choice tests

Essay explaining how history affected the Romantic Period
The teacher will grade the student individual work. The student must get 3 of the 4 themes correct.

Test would include a new poem and students must find the theme.
The teacher will grade the quality of the poem analyzes.

The students will turn their feelings about nature into a short poem. They will be graded on creativity,
The teacher will grade the conversations that take place during the discussion.

The Unit test will include an essay asking students to compare and contrast Romanticism with a Biblical Worlview

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